Salary in the field of Forschung in Baden-Württemberg

What does one earn in the field of Forschung?

Employees in the field of Forschung earn an average of 59.000€ per year in Baden-Württemberg. This corresponds to a gross monthly salary of 4.917€. The salary for professionals in the field of Forschung in Baden-Württemberg ranges between 50.000€ and 67.953€.

In Baden-Württemberg, there are

4 Forschung jobs on

Average Salary

59.000 € gross/Year
To give you a realistic assessment of your potential income, we use the 25th and 75th percentiles of our salary data for salary values (min, max). This improves the quality of our salary information by excluding distorting (extremely high and low) salaries.
min. 50.000 €

Gross salary/Year

max. 67.953 €

Gross salary/Year

Year Month

Similar Interesting Fields

As a professional in the field of Forschung, you have numerous specialization opportunities and related fields, such as

Forschungsprojekte , Medizinische Forschung , Biomedizinische Forschung ,

for which you could also be qualified with your knowledge.

What factors influence your salary in the field of Forschung?

There are several career factors that influence your salary in the field of Forschung. Average salary tends to increase with the size of the company you work for. In large corporations, salaries are often higher compared to start-ups and small companies. However, in smaller companies, you may have the opportunity to advance more quickly on the career ladder.

One of the key factors affecting your salary in the field of Forschung is your work experience. With each year on the job, you gain valuable knowledge and experience that become increasingly better compensated over time. In just a few years, you transition from a beginner to a young professional. After more than 10 years of experience, you can then be considered a professional. With increasing experience, you also have the opportunity to move into positions with personnel responsibility. A position with personnel responsibility is generally paid significantly better, and there are further factors influencing your salary here as well. For example, a department head with personnel responsibility for over 20 employees earns more than a group leader responsible for 5 employees.

Your educational qualification, the city, and the federal state where you work are also factors that influence your salary.

Job vacancies in the Forschung field

Lead and conduct research to develop and evaluate mRNA-based vaccines against infectious pathogens with a focus on optimizing vaccine performance and longevity of responses Design, execute, interpret and document in vitro and in vivo experiments to characterize the immunogenic...
Career Day
In your new role, you will lead an in vitro lab for neuropharmacological exploration of mechanisms of actions of portfolio project compounds as well as setup assays to address N&MH portfolio project requirements. Furthermore, you will serve as an experienced research project l...
A highly motivated PhD candidate to join our interdisciplinary research team investigating the role of the extracellular microenvironment in the context of renal carcinoma. The laboratory focusses on dissecting the relevance of cell-matrix interactions in complex pathologies (kid...
As a key member of our interdisciplinary team, you will: Harness a comprehensive dataset spanning digital pathology images, methylation profiles, DNA and RNA sequencing, proteomics, single-cell, and spatial transcriptomics data. Develop and implement a scalable multi-omic...
All Forschung Jobs

Frequently asked questions about Forschung salaries

How much do you earn in the area of Forschung?
The salary data presented here is based on salary information provided by employers in job advertisements as well as salary information from over 10,000 professionals and managers from surveys conducted by jobvector.

These professionals bring a variety of experience and expertise from different companies and positions, making the salary data a comprehensive and meaningful source of average salaries.
It is important to emphasize that this salary data represents averages and cannot be directly attributed to individual job postings. However, they do provide valuable guidance and insight into the salary structures of the field being sought for both job seekers and employers.