Salary in the field of Förderung in Germany

What does one earn in the field of Förderung?

Employees in the field of Förderung earn an average of 39.325€ per year in Germany. This corresponds to a gross monthly salary of 3.277€. The salary for professionals in the field of Förderung ranges between 35.612€ and 43.759€.

Nationwide, there are

2 Förderung jobs on

Average Salary

39.325 € gross/Year
To give you a realistic assessment of your potential income, we use the 25th and 75th percentiles of our salary data for salary values (min, max). This improves the quality of our salary information by excluding distorting (extremely high and low) salaries.
min. 35.612 €

Gross salary/Year

max. 43.759 €

Gross salary/Year

Year Month

Starting salary in the field of Förderung

The starting salary in the field of Förderung is on average 38.936 € gross per year. This corresponds to a monthly salary of 3.245 € gross.

Your chances of a higher salary increase with your work experience, as you can often take on more responsibility.

With several years of work experience in the field of Förderung, your average salary is 41.663 € gross per year.

Starting Salary

⌀ 38.936 €


⌀ 41.663 €

Similar Interesting Fields

As a professional in the field of Förderung, you have numerous specialization opportunities and related fields, such as

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for which you could also be qualified with your knowledge.

Salary in the field of Förderung
Degree vs. Apprenticeship

Whether you pursue a degree or an apprenticeship not only determines the positions you may qualify for in a company but also significantly impacts your salary. Typically, with an academic degree, your starting salary is higher than with a vocational training. However, your salary is not set in stone - through work experience and additional qualifications, you always have the opportunity to advance and increase your salary further.

The type of degree you obtain can also affect your salary. The average salary for master's graduates is higher than for bachelor's graduates, and with a master's degree, you have better chances of quickly attaining a position with personnel responsibility. However, salary alone should never be your sole decision criterion: choose the qualification that best fits your interests and carefully consider whether you prefer to earn money sooner or continue studying a bit longer.

With a completed apprenticeship, you can expect an average annual salary of 39.938€ in the field of Förderung. If you have an academic degree in the field of Förderung, your average salary is 44.854€.

Academic degree

ø 44.854 €

Study vs. Training

Non-Academic degree (Apprenticeship, Vocational Education, Technician, ...)

ø 39.938 €

Salary in the field of Förderung
by City

Where do you earn the most in the field of Förderung? Currently, you earn the most in the field of Förderung in Berlin with an average salary of 41.663€ per year.

In general, the salary in the field of Förderung is usually higher in large cities than in small towns. Large cities and metropolises often offer higher salaries, although the cost of living is also higher.

In which city you can earn particularly high salaries in the field of Förderung, you will find out in this table:

Ø Gehalt Gehaltsspanne
Berlin 41,663€ 41,663 € - 45,904€
Bielefeld 33,078€ 33,078 € - 37,758€
Potsdam 41,663€ 41,663 € - 45,904€
Paderborn 33,078€ 33,078 € - 33,078€
Gütersloh 33,078€ 33,078 € - 37,758€
Herford 33,078€ 33,078 € - 35,704€
Lemgo 33,078€ 33,078 € - 35,704€
Bernau bei Berlin 41,663€ 41,663 € - 45,904€
Rietberg 33,078€ 33,078 € - 37,758€
Strausberg 41,663€ 41,663 € - 45,904€
Hennigsdorf 41,663€ 41,663 € - 45,904€
Verl 33,078€ 33,078 € - 37,758€
Hohen Neuendorf 41,663€ 41,663 € - 45,904€
Wandlitz 41,663€ 41,663 € - 45,904€
Stahnsdorf 41,663€ 41,663 € - 45,904€
Werther (Westfalen) 33,078€ 33,078 € - 37,758€
Schönefeld bei Berlin 41,663€ 41,663 € - 45,904€
Großbeeren 41,663€ 41,663 € - 45,904€
Show more cities

What factors influence your salary in the field of Förderung?

There are several career factors that influence your salary in the field of Förderung. Average salary tends to increase with the size of the company you work for. In large corporations, salaries are often higher compared to start-ups and small companies. However, in smaller companies, you may have the opportunity to advance more quickly on the career ladder.

One of the key factors affecting your salary in the field of Förderung is your work experience. With each year on the job, you gain valuable knowledge and experience that become increasingly better compensated over time. In just a few years, you transition from a beginner to a young professional. After more than 10 years of experience, you can then be considered a professional. With increasing experience, you also have the opportunity to move into positions with personnel responsibility. A position with personnel responsibility is generally paid significantly better, and there are further factors influencing your salary here as well. For example, a department head with personnel responsibility for over 20 employees earns more than a group leader responsible for 5 employees.

Your educational qualification, the city, and the federal state where you work are also factors that influence your salary.

Förderung - Latest salary data 2025

How up-to-date is the salary data in the Förderung area?

At jobvector, we attach great importance to always providing you with up-to-date and accurate salary information. Salaries in the Förderung sector have changed significantly over the last few years due to factors such as rising wage levels, inflation, new legal regulations, bonus payments and tax adjustments. It is therefore particularly important to us to present up-to-date data that gives you as an applicant a good and realistic basis for the next salary negotiation.

The salary information on jobvector is consistently kept up to date and is never more than three years old. This up-to-dateness guarantees you a precise and clearly structured overview of the salary structures in the Förderung sector, and effectively supports you in preparing for your salary negotiations.

Frequently asked questions about Förderung salaries

How much do you earn in the area of Förderung?
What is the starting salary in the area of Förderung?
In which city do you earn in the area of Förderung the most?
In which state do you earn in the area of Förderung the most?
How much do you earn in Förderung after graduation?
How much do you earn in Förderung after training?
The salary data presented here is based on salary information provided by employers in job advertisements as well as salary information from over 10,000 professionals and managers from surveys conducted by jobvector.

These professionals bring a variety of experience and expertise from different companies and positions, making the salary data a comprehensive and meaningful source of average salaries.
It is important to emphasize that this salary data represents averages and cannot be directly attributed to individual job postings. However, they do provide valuable guidance and insight into the salary structures of the field being sought for both job seekers and employers.