As a Entbindungspfleger, you have numerous specialization opportunities and related professions, such as
Hebamme , Geburtshilfe , Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpfleger ,for which you could also be qualified with your knowledge.
As a Entbindungspfleger, one earns an average of 39.971€ per year in Mülheim an der Ruhr. This corresponds to a gross monthly salary of 3.331€. The salary as a Entbindungspfleger in Mülheim an der Ruhr ranges between 37.955€ and 62.640€.
Average Salary
39.971 € gross/YearGross salary/Year
Gross salary/Year
As a Entbindungspfleger, you have numerous specialization opportunities and related professions, such as
Hebamme , Geburtshilfe , Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpfleger ,for which you could also be qualified with your knowledge.
Ø Gehalt | Jobs | |
Hebamme | 55,800€ | No Jobs |
Geburtshilfe | 56,088€ | No Jobs |
Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpfleger | 43,400€ | Current jobs |
Pflegekraft | 44,640€ | Current jobs |
Pflegefachperson | 48,950€ | Current jobs |
Pflegehelfer | 33,408€ | No Jobs |
There are several career factors that influence your salary as a Entbindungspfleger. Average salary tends to increase with the size of the company you work for. In large corporations, salaries are often higher compared to start-ups and small companies. However, in smaller companies, you may have the opportunity to advance more quickly on the career ladder.
One of the key factors affecting your salary as a Entbindungspfleger is your work experience. With each year on the job, you gain valuable knowledge and experience that become increasingly better compensated over time. In just a few years, you transition from a beginner to a young professional. After more than 10 years of experience, you can then be considered a professional. With increasing experience, you also have the opportunity to move into positions with personnel responsibility. A position with personnel responsibility is generally paid significantly better, and there are further factors influencing your salary here as well. For example, a department head with personnel responsibility for over 20 employees earns more than a group leader responsible for 5 employees.
Your educational qualification, the city, and the federal state where you work are also factors that influence your salary.