The Institute of Biochemistry II, Medical Faculty at Goethe University Frankfurt invites applications for a PhD student (f/m/div) position (E 13, TV-G-U, 65%) to join the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1507.
Within the CRC 1507, we study the structural basis of complex I function and assembly. Respiratory complex I is a 1 MDa membrane protein complex with a central role in energy metabolism. Dysfunction of complex I is associated with a number of neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases. We have determined the structure of mitochondrial complex I from the aerobic yeast
Yarrowia lipolytica by X-ray crystallography (Science 347, 44-49) and by cryo-EM (Science Advances 5, eaax9484; Science Advances 7, eabj3221). Combining yeast genetics, biochemistry and cryo-EM, we are now investigating the molecular function of specific complex I assembly factors (Science Advances 8, eadd3855) to obtain a comprehensive understanding of how a complex molecular machine is assembled.
PhD student (f/m/div) Structural Bioenergetics
Activities and responsibilities
The PhD project aims to isolate assembly intermediates of respiratory complex I and to determine their molecular structure. We are working with a yeast that can be easily genetically modified, e.g. for generating tagged variants of assembly factors. We plan to establish the nematode C. elegans as an animal model system. Our laboratory takes advantage of a wide range of techniques including yeast genetics, membrane protein purification and cryo-EM in close collaboration with the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Frankfurt.
Qualification profile
We are seeking outstanding, enthusiastic, and ambitious candidates with a strong background in biochemistry and molecular biology and a keen interest in structural biology. We expect a master´s degree in chemistry, biology, biochemistry, pharmacy or comparable.
We offer
We offer a challenging job in a highly collaborative, multidisciplinary and international team, embedded in the excellent scientific environment of the Institute of Biochemistry II at Goethe University’s Medical Faculty, a salary according to TV-G-U, internal and external training for professional development, the compatibility of family and career and a free ticket to public transport within the state of Hesse (LandesTicket Hessen). The position is funded by CRC1507 and the PhD candidate will benefit from training, mentoring and networking within the integrated research training group (IRTG).
Formal electronic applications, summarized in one PDF document including a cover/motivation letter and CV (naming contact data for 2-3 referees), should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Volker Zickermann under email.
Travel and application expenses cannot be reimbursed. For more information visit the website of the Institute of Biochemistry II (ibcII).
The University is committed to gender equality and therefore strongly encourages women to apply. People with disabilities are given priority, if they are equally qualified. In the summer of 2005, Goethe University was awarded the basic certificate for the family-friendly university audit. Great importance is attached to the family-friendly organization of university work contexts. Career re-entry after parental leave is encouraged. Jobs are generally divisible as long as the tasks do not conflict with this. The limitation of the contract is based upon the regulations of the “Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz” in conjunction with the “Hessischen Hochschulgesetz”.