The Institute of Experimental Internal Medicine offers PhD positions (m/f/d):
For our international team, we are looking for researchers to join our institute. Our team, comprising passionate scientists of all groups and gender, aims to maintain a communicative and open work atmosphere to excel in our daily work.
Master students who have a commitment to scientific excellence are encouraged to apply. We are looking for a colleague with high interest in biomedical basic and therapy research. We are interested in delineating mechanisms by which molecular processes (e.g. UPS- and NF-kB systems) impact on the pathophysiology and the development of inflammatory diseases, including infectious diseases and cancer.
Activities and responsibilities
research, laboratory work
The research program of the institute encompasses basic and translational research studies, with a focus on clinically important intra- and intracellular signal transmission pathways, involving the assembly of protein complexes within signaling cascades and a variety of protein modifications with a special emphasis on the NF-kB network. For the comprehensive analysis of the regulatory networks in the cell, we rely on innovative approaches, including cooperative research in biosystems engineering, biomolecular modeling and medicinal chemistry. The molecules of interest studied in the process of molecular pathogenesis could represent protein biomarkers. Herein, exclusive proteins with a special emphasis on predictive indicators of disease are studied for therapeutic intervention and drug discovery.
Qualification profile
Infection / Cancer Biology
We offer
We offer our PhD students an in-depth qualification programme including seminars, workshops, close supervision if needed but also free space to generate and develop own research ideas.
The institute cooperates with national and international research institutions, and participates in a variety of coordinated programs funded by the German Research Foundation (RTG2408), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Union. Further, the institute is member of the interdisciplinary Research Center “Dynamic Systems: Systems Engineering” of the Otto von Guericke University funded by the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt and the “European Regional Development Fund“.
Institute of Experimental Internal Medicine
Medical Faculty
Otto von Guericke University
Leipziger Str. 44
D-39120 Magdeburg
Please send your application including gapless CV, references, transcript of records, contact information IN ONE FILE via email. For further information, please visit our webpage:
The Otto von Guericke University wishes to increase the proportion of female academic personnel. Women are therefore explicitly encouraged to apply. Handicapped persons with equivalent qualification will be given preference.