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Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf Institut für Systemimmunologie

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf
Employees: more than 10,000

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In einer der modernsten Kliniken Europas arbeiten Spezialist:innen verschiedenster Fachrichtungen unter einem Dach zusammen. Neueste Medizintechnik, eine innovative Informationstechnologie und eine am Versorgungsprozess orientierte Architektur unterstützen Ärzt:innen, Krankenpflegekräfte und Therapeut:innen. Damit sind ideale Bedingungen für eine enge Vernetzung von Spitzenmedizin, Forschung und Lehre geschaffen. Rund 14.100 Mitarbeitende setzen sich rund um die Uhr für die Gesundheit ein – zum Wohle unserer Patient:innen.

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Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf
Falkenried 94
20251 Hamburg
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Aktuelle Stellenangebote von Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf

The HSII offers a three-year PhD curriculum beginning in October each year.. The program is supported by a wide range of collaborative research initiatives, including CRC1192, CRC1328, CRC1648, CRC1700, FOR2799, FOR2879, and FOR5068, which focus on infection, immunity, and infla...

Jobs You Missed Out On

The HSII offers a three-year curriculum for PhD theses, starting each year in October. The training is supported by a broad range of collaborative research programs including CRC1192, CRC1328, FOR2799, FOR2879, and FOR5068, which set the specific research focus on infection, immu...


The HSII offers a three-year curriculum for PhD theses. The training is supported by a broad range of collaborative research programs including CRC1192, CRC1328, FOR2799, FOR2879, and FOR5068, which provide the specific research focus on infection, immunity and inflammation for t...


The HSII offers a three-year curriculum for PhD theses. The training is supported by a broad range of collaborative research programs including CRC1192, CRC1328, FOR2799, FOR2879, and FOR5068, which provide the specific research focus on infection, immunity and inflammation for t...
