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Technische Universität Dresden Dezernat 3, Sachgebiet Innerer Dienst

Technische Universität Dresden
Employees: 501-1,000

Your career at Technische Universität Dresden

Die TU Dresden gehört zum Kreis der elf deutschen Exzellenz-Universitäten, die seit 1. November 2019 eine Förderung im Rahmen der Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der Länder erhalten.

Die strukturelle Gliederung umfasst fünf Bereiche mit 18 Fakultäten:
  • Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
  • Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
  • Ingenieurwissenschaften
  • Bau und Umwelt
  • Medizin

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Company Details for Technische Universität Dresden


Technische Universität Dresden
Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
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Aktuelle Stellenangebote von Technische Universität Dresden

Position #5 RTG2767-B13 Investigators: Prof. Dr. Gianaurelo Cuniberti Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours Tasks: Neuromorphic sensing via 2D-materials-nanoparticle networks Requirements: excellent university degree (Master of Science or diploma) in materials science, p...
Position#5: TRR404-TUD-B06 Project: B06 System Models, Architectures, and Application Mapping Tools Project Leader: Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon (Chair of Compiler Construction) Terms: 100% of the full-time weekly hours. Tasks: The PhD student will be mostly in charge of modelin...
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The PhD student will analyze magnetic structures and switching processes in novel racetrack memory devices and device elements by transmission electron microscopy using Lorentz-TEM, electron holography, DPC, and in-situ electrical transport measurements....

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Engineering the photonic and electronic landscape of perovskite QD solar cells...


Position #5 RTG2767-B13 Investigators: Prof. Dr. Gianaurelo Cuniberti Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours Tasks: Neuromorphic sensing via 2D-materials-nanoparticle networks Requirements: excellent university degree (Master of Science or diploma) in materials science, p...


Position #3 RTG2767-B11 Investigators: Dr. Johannes Benduhn Terms: 75 % of the full-time weekly hours Tasks: Semiconductor nanoparticles for infrared photomultiplication-type Photodetectors Requirements: excellent university degree (Master of Science or diploma) in physics, e...


Position #1 RTG2767-A11 Investigators: Prof. Dr. Stefan Diez Terms: 65 % of the full-time weekly hours Tasks: Advanced and dynamic nanoelectronics with functionalized microtubules Requirements: excellent university degree (Master degree or diploma) in (bio)physics, (bio)chem...


Description of the PhD topic: Small, highly automated aircrafts over populated areas rely on robust motion trajectories, considering uncertain input data. Sensor precision, fusion of multiple data sources and absence data due to difficult environmental conditions or technical def...


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How do physical mechanisms shape biological patterns? How can the same mechanisms generate diverse morphologies? We theoretically address these fundamental questions using the intricate silica patterns of the diatom cell wall as model system. The physical and chemical principles ...


How do physical mechanisms shape biological patterns? How can the same mechanisms generate diverse morphologies? We theoretically address these fundamental questions using the intricate silica patterns of the diatom cell wall as model system. The physical and chemical principles ...


How physical forces shape organs during embryogenic development? We study this question right at the interface of physics and biology in the model system of the duct network of the pancreas, which remodels from an initially plexus-like network to a tree optimized for fluid transp...
