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Octapharma Biopharmaceuticals GmbH

Octapharma Biopharmaceuticals GmbH

Your career at Octapharma Biopharmaceuticals

Octapharma Biopharmaceuticals GmbH ist ein 1997 gegründetes, erfolgreich expandierendes Biotechnologie-Unternehmen und eines der Tochterunternehmen der Octapharma AG. Unsere Kernkompetenz liegt in der Forschung und Entwicklung von humanen Zelllinien zur Herstellung rekombinanter Arzneimittel. Dabei ist es unser Anliegen, Medikamente mit einer verbesserten Verträglichkeit für den Patienten und Medikamente mit einer verlängerten Halblebenszeit zu entwickeln.

We offer our employees:

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Company ticket
Parking space
Flexible working hours

Application & Start your career at Octapharma Biopharmaceuticals

How to apply

  • Direct Apply via jobvector
  • Online application

Company Details for Octapharma Biopharmaceuticals

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Your Job With Us: Who We Are Looking For

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Top Skills & Competencies for Our Job Offers


Octapharma Biopharmaceuticals GmbH
Im Neuenheimer Feld 590
69120 Heidelberg
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Aktuelle Stellenangebote von Octapharma Biopharmaceuticals

Responsibility for DSP process development and process transfer from laboratory to pilot scale Planning and execution of DSP unit operations at pilot scale in technical and clinical campaigns (cleanroom class D + C, GMP regulated environment) Development and implementation of...
Prepare buffers, reagents, and solutions according to established protocols Maintain accurate records of buffer preparation, including batch numbers and concentrations, in an electronic database Perform buffer analyses including pH and osmolality measurements Provide technic...

Jobs You Missed Out On

Conducting routine analysis, e.g. in the field of biological activities, coagulation assays (e.g. FVIII:C, FIXa, thrombin generation assay), ELISA and other quantitative immunoassays, SDS-PAGE, Western blot (various target proteins), isoelectric focusing Carrying out and evalu...


Focus on routine analysis, e.g. in the field of biological activities, coagulation assays (e.g. FVIII:C, FIXa, thrombin generation assay), ELISA and other quantitative immunoassays, SDS-PAGE, Western blot (various target proteins) Carrying out and evaluating development experi...
