Jobs for Engineers, IT, Physicians & Scientists

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)
Heidelberg, Mainz, Mannheim
Employees: 1,001-5,000

Your career at Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)

Das Deutsche Krebs­for­schungs­zentrum ist die größte bio­medi­zini­sche Forschungs­ein­rich­tung Deutschlands. Mit rund 3.000 Mitarbei­te­rinnen und Mitar­bei­tern betreiben wir ein um­fang­reiches wissen­schaft­liches Programm auf dem Gebiet der Krebs­forschung.

Gemeinsam mit universitären Partnern an sieben renommierten Partnerstandorten haben wir das Deutsche Konsortium für Translationale Krebsforschung (DKTK) gegründet.

We offer our employees:

  • Hervorragende Rahmenbedingungen: modernste state-of-the-art Infrastruktur und Möglichkeit zum internationalen Austausch auf Spitzenniveau
  • Vergütung nach TV-L inkl. betrieblicher Altersvorsorge und vermögenswirksamer Leistungen
  • 30 Tage Urlaub
  • Möglichkeit zur Teilzeitarbeit
  • Familienfreundliches Arbeitsumfeld u. a. je nach Standort mit Eltern-Kind-Zimmer, Beratungsangeboten bspw. durch betriebliche Pflegelots:innen
  • Nachhaltig zur Arbeit: Vergünstigtes Deutschland-Jobticket
  • Entfalten Sie Ihr volles Potenzial: gezielte Angebote für Ihre persönliche Entwicklung fördern Ihre Talente
  • Unser betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement bietet ein ganzheitliches Angebot für Ihr Wohlbefinden

Employee Perks

Company pension scheme
Company ticket
Day care

Application & Start your career at Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)

How to apply

  • Direct Apply via jobvector
  • Online application

Company Details for Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)

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Your Job With Us: Who We Are Looking For

Ideal Areas of Expertise for Applicants


Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg
Show Map
Further Locations:
Helmholtz Institute for Translational Oncology Mainz (HI-TRON Mainz)
Obere Zahlbacherstr. 63
55131 Mainz
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)
Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3
68167 Mannheim

Aktuelle Stellenangebote von Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)

We are looking to recruit a highly motivated and enthusiastic Biology Technical Assistant to join our research group. You will be a critical member of an international, collaborative team with opportunities to contribute to the sample preparation, assay development and analysis o...
This postdoctoral project will investigate the interactions between fibroblasts and infiltrating immune cells during the initiation and development of cancer and autoimmune diseases of the skin. In co-operation with the group leader, the candidate will be responsible for the day-...
We are looking for an outstanding, and highly-motivated data scientist to join our division. The successful candidate will use advance data science methods to contribute to innovations in the areas of policy and implementation research for cancer prevention. Responsibilities also...
Lead and develop a research program focused on pediatric cancer drug discovery, with a strong emphasis on translational applications. Secure competitive external funding and develop high-impact, multidisciplinary research projects. Foster collaborations with academic, clinica...
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Develop and optimize targeted and phosphoproteomics workflows to analyze signal transduction pathways in clinical plasma and tissue samples. Establish high-throughput, standardized mass spectrometry-based methods for large-scale clinical sample analysis and biomarker discovery...
Research at the DKFZ is organized into the following programs with a lot of interaction and interdisciplinary PhD projects available across different topics: Cell Biology and Tumor Biology Functional and Structural Genomics Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention Immunology, Inf...
We are looking for an outstanding, and highly-motivated postdoctoral researcher (m/f/d) with a strong background in community-engaged research and intervention development to join our division. This position is ideal for a researcher with experience in participatory research meth...

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We are looking for a scientist / postdoc to work on the regulation of phenotypic plasticity and therapy resistance by redox and metabolic signaling in brain tumors. The project is part of a research consortium receiving long-term funding by the Carl Zeiss Stiftung. The over...


Analysis and curation of multi-omics data, in particular single-cell sequencing datasets Analysis of patient immune repertoire datasets, in particular TCR repertoires Contribution to the development of bioinformatic tools and pipelines Contribution to high-throughput assay d...


We are open to applicants coming from other fields of solid tumor research, with the precondition to align their strategy complementary to the Division of Translational Oncology. Competitive applicants are expected to establish innovative analytical pipelines for high-dimensional...


Investigation of the impact pathologically disturbed sphingolipid metabolism on viability and function of cancer cells and normal cells in vitro and in vivo Characterization of pathological sphingolipid derivatives Preparation of scientific presentations and publications Pre...


Investigation of the impact of pathologically disturbed sphingolipid metabolism on the viability and function of cancer cells and normal cells in vitro and in vivo Characterization of pathological sphingolipid derivatives Preparation of scientific presentations and publicatio...


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Implementation and further development of measures to increase the international visibility of the PhD Program, including the website Coordination of PhD selections, including communication with candidates, DKFZ scientists and doctoral researchers, administration of the applic...


Join us on an exciting new project aimed at understanding and modulating the tumor microenvironment (TME) in colorectal and pancreatic cancer via cutting-edge mRNA technology. Your PhD will focus on building and applying inherently interpretable deep probabilistic machine learnin...


We are seeking a creative and research-driven psychologist to join our interdisciplinary team in advancing cancer prevention through digital communication. This fully funded PhD position focuses on the development and evaluation of AI-generated virtual influencers designed to pro...


We are seeking a passionate and talented data scientist to join our interdisciplinary team at the forefront of cancer research and artificial intelligence. This fully funded PhD position focuses on the development and application of Large Language Models (LLMs) for clinical resea...


Perform an in vivo CRISPR screen to identify metastasis drivers in gastric cancer Functional investigation of hits through omics approaches Validation of genes mediating metastasis in an in vivo model Work in cooperation with clinicians, computational biologists, and genetic...


The postdoc will be working on the reciprocal interaction of the brain with the tumor microenvironment and the immune system in NSCLC. The project comprises state-of-the-art preclinical models for detection and modulation of neuronal activity in combination with genetically-engin...


Design and develop cloud-based software architectures Workflow development and maintenance of omics data Improvement of bioinformatics workflows with respect to performance and stability Testing / benchmarking workflows with cloud deployments Development of cloud images for...


The candidate will work closely with other divisions and instituts in the field of immunology, infection biology and tumor immunology, developing novel concepts that can be applied to other human diseases. We are looking for a candidate with a strong focus on basic immunology who...
